The Sexy Jeremy Renner, ‘Bourne’ to Be a Star

Finally some man-candy to look at!  I’m always posting my fave female celebs but ladies, here’ s a post for you!  I’ve loved Jeremy Renner since the hurt locker and now he’s covering Esquire!  With his new movie “The Bourne Legacy” set to hit theaters on August 10th, Jeremy Renner got some great promotional exposure by covering the August 2012 issue. Continue reading

Ashley Greene’s Sexy Lingerie Shoot

So the lovely Ashley Greene finally has a non-twilight film coming out called “The Apparition” which is due to hit theaters on August 24th.  In order to do some publicity she put her stunning face and body out there by doing super hot feature in the August 2012 issue of Esquire Magazine. Continue reading

Kim Kardashian Covers InStyle UK

Despite the fact that she really hasn’t done anything worthy of fame, the ever-popular Kim Kardashian has more than surpassed her 15 minutes and has now nabbed herself another magazine shoot by covering the August 2012 issue of InStyle UK. Continue reading

Marion Coutillard’s Stylish WSJ Shoot

While I normally tend to post more sexy magazine spreads, Marion Cotillard’s new shoot for the July/August issue of  WSJ magazine as part of her promotion efforts for The Dark Knight Rises is just stunning.  I love her and thinks she is absolutely beautiful and a talented actress as well.  I’m glad she is starting to do more American films and has risen to popularity more with her role in Inception.

The 36-year-old French actress looked amazing in a $16,000 Gucci gown for the Josh Olins shot front page while dishing about everything from her experiences at Paris runway shows to the impact of being a new mother. Continue reading

Mila Kunis Does Glamour

With her new movie “Ted” set to hit theatres today, Mila Kunis promoted her film and revealed fun facts about herself in the August 2012 issue of Glamour magazine.

The 28-year-old actress looked stunning as usual in her Club Monaco shirt, Current/Elliott jeans, a Rag & Bone hat, Minor Obsessions star necklace, an Elisa Solomon Jewelry key necklace, a Cartier bracelet, and a Michael Kors ring for the Alexei Hay shot front page while chatting about her forays into online dating and her body changes for black swan. Continue reading

The Dating Game

We’ve all been there.  Sitting by the phone waiting for a call, or as I suppose these days, a text.  Hoping for some inkling from our new beau that he cares or is thinking of us.  Dating can be fun but it is also very nerve wracking and not fit for the impatient.  Sure it is entertaining to go out with different people, have a nice meal and some good conversations, and get to know people to see if there is a connection, but it gets old fast.  What’s not so enjoyable about the dating world, however, is when you finally meet someone you like and there is all that time spent waiting.  Waiting for the phone to ring, for a text to come, to find out if you are exclusive, for sex, for the discovery of the unknown about each other.  It is why I prefer relationships to dating, the comfort level that you attain when with someone after a longer period of time is what I crave, not the anxiety riddled world of fear and rejection that is dating. Continue reading

Kelly Brook, Look Magazine Sexy & Confident

Lovely as always, Kelly Brook isn’t worried about fitting into some preconceived notion of what others consider beautiful.  Finally there is a woman in Hollywood who isn’t obsessed with being super thin and actually wants some curves and shape.  So many models are overly skinny and Kelly Brook is a great role model for young girls and believes in loving your body and being proud of your curves–and she has some great curves. Continue reading

Keeley Hazell’s Sexy/Slutty FHM Spread

So this month’s issue of FHM features a girl I have not yet heard of–a rarity.  Apparently she has been busy working on a new drama/thriller titled “Whispers” and Miss Keeley Hazell  also has been selected to be the cover girl for the July 2012 issue of FHM magazine. Continue reading

Kate Upton’s Super Hot Vogue Spain Shoot

Since achieving supermodel stardom by being Sports Illustrated’s Swimsuit Model of the Year, Kate Upton has been garnering a lot of publicity.  Now she can even add the high fashion pages of Vogue Spain July 2012 to her wildly growing repertoire.  Continue reading